Friday, May 20, 2011

Team Circuit Results (3 races)

USATF MN has posted the current team standings and results for the TC 1 Mile. All of our results are posted as "gun" times instead of "chip" times. They have also adjusted the Get in Gear results to reflect errors and gun times.

The team is currently in sixth place overall on the women's circuit. Keep in mind that we didn't race at the Human Race, so our points only reflect 2 races worth of scoring.

1 Run N Fun - 18 points
2 Foley & Mansfield Racing Team - 17 points
3 TC Running Company - 16 points
4 Northwoods - MN/WI - 9 points
5 Collegeville - 7 points
6 Mississippi River Road Runners - 5 points
7 St. Cloud River Runners/Endurance Shop - 3 points
8 MDRA - 2 points
8 Team Unattached - 2 points

To review how USATF tallies points, read the rules here.

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