Thursday, November 08, 2007

"Begin at the beginning and go on until you come to the end: then stop."

It's been far too long since my last post. For now, here are the stats from June through September:

Grandma's Marathon
June 16, 2007

981/176. Betsy Flanagan, 3:37:42 (8:23)
3675/1079. Sarah Margoles, 4:28:27 (10:25)

USATF Women's Team Results
1. Run 'N Fun, 8:40:15
2. Gear, 8:59:37
3. Northwoods, 9:09:39
4. Prairie Striders, 10:08:28
5. Team Ortho, 10:09:30
6. Club Run, 13:25:01
7. MDRA, 14:26:37

Sarah and Alison reunite.

After every good race, a shot of Knob Creek.

Rice Street Mile
July 28, 2007

101/7. Kelsey Barale, 5:32
118/10. Jessica Deutsch, 5:50
147/20. Kate Taylor, 6:28
148/21. Sarah Margoles, 6:32

USATF Women's Team Results
1. Gear, 29:27

August 11, 2007

14. Melissa Grunst, 1:04:52 (6:58)
15. Andrea Grunst, 1:04:52 (6:58)
18. Eva Taylor, 1:06:07 (7:06)
20. Jessica Deutsch, 1:06:54 (7:11)
41. Sarah Margoles, 1:21:44 (8:46)

USATF Women's Team Results
1. Gear, 4:56:01
2. Run 'N Fun, 5:05:28
3. Mississippi River Road Runners, 5:44:29

City of Lakes
September 9, 2007

17. Jessica Deutsch, 1:48:08 (6:58)
26. Andrea Grunst, 1:52:24 (7:14)
27. Melissa Grunst, 1:52:25 (7:14)

USATF Women's Team results
1. Run 'N Fun, 4:58:17
2. Gear, 5:00:27
3. Mississippi River Road Runners, 5:32:57
4. Prairie Striders, 5:52:32

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Brian Kraft 5K

I wasn't memorializing, and I surely wasn't running. In fact, many of the MR Road Runners took a hiatus from racing and/or were out of town for this fast 5K.

But one lone Road Runner, Kate (Eva) Taylor, made it to the start line, then the finish line, placing 26th overall for women, in 19:28 (6:16). Nice!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

You're miles from where anyone will find you . . .

New Prague Half-Marathon FULL RESULTS
Saturday, May 12, 2007

And it went like this . . .

139/20 Jessica Deutsch (1:31:47, 7:00 pace)
182/25 Elizabeth Flanagan (1:34:56, 7:15 pace)
225/32 Eva Taylor (1:37:38, 7:27 pace)
539/148 Sarah Margoles (1:55:04, 8:47 pace)

Good job, Mississippi River Road Runners! While USATF uses our actual times for results, I am posting chip times here. I started too far back from the starting line, wove my way through the crowd the first mile, and settled in by mile two with the typical 45-year old man who runs with me for the about 2/3 of the race. One annoying young fellow insisted on sprinting about five feet in front of us every time we were about to pass him. On a hill, we dropped him, his blaring iPod, and gratuitious mailbox bashing. Around mile nine, I left my running friend. At mile twelve, I stopped, walked, accepted a LifeSaver that one of the spectators was handing out, and did what I could that last stretch.

A 2-minute personal best for me. In Brooklyn, with the company of the enthusiastic Hector (also a 40-something) and three glasses of Sangria the night before, I ran 1:34:19 on a mostly flat course. No complaints here. I'm taking it easy for awhile now, since I do not have to do that silly half-marathon in Duluth.

Next race: Brian Kraft 5K on Memorial Day.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Get in Gear 10K

I like running. But yesterday was one of those races . . . that I will forget in order to maintain the statement, "I like running." My sense is that it was hard for most, given the warm temperatures and blinding sun.

I started out at 6:45 pace for the first two miles, and then had a 7 minute plus third and fourth mile, followed by 7-ish fifth and six miles.

286. Andrea Grunst (42:15, 6:48)
289. Melissa Grunst (42:16, 6:48)
356. Jessica Deutsch (43:26, 7:00)
362. Kate (Eva) Taylor (43:31, 7:01)
413. Betsy Flanagan (44:16, 7:08)
903. Sarah Margoles (49:28, 7:58)

Next race is New Prague Half Marathon on May 12th.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Open Season

Human Race 8K Results

168. Andrea Grunst, 31:47 (6:24)
169. Melissa Grunst, 31:47 (6:24)
229. Jessica Deutsch, 33:22 (6:43)
449. Sarah Margoles, 39:03 (7:52)

Complete race photos

Friday, March 16, 2007

Mississippi River Road Runners

Thus far, our star-studded roster consists of the following fine ladies:

Sarah Margoles
Betsy Flanagan
Jessica Deutsch
Andrea Grunst
Melissa Grunst
Jessica Salvatore
Katie Donald
Kelsey Barale
Kate Taylor
Katie Visco

MN Team Circuit competition commences on Sunday, March 18 at the Human Race in St. Paul on Summit Avenue at 1:20 PM.